Curator Pamela Winfrey, of San Francisco's Exploratorium, joins forces with the Beall Center to bring together this charming, international celebration of the new media arts. "These five works from five different countries reflect new social trends in interactive art. In the past, many artists have focused on exploring the digital tools of interactive technologies but not necessarily the resulting interactions between the end users and the creators. All of these works investigate this social contract and explore the multi-directional transformation of experience in direct and playful ways. As you interact with these works, you might ask yourself these questions. What does it mean to have a personal experience with (or through) an interactive digital medium? Does it change your behavior or the way that you interact with it and with others around you? Does this force us to redefine the terms 'personality', 'relationships' and even 'friends'? All of these works examine the human/machine interface and investigate the complex relationship between ideas and behavior. Imagine what the future will bring."